Reasons We’re Thankful to Live in Chattanooga

Being a bride is a stressful thing. The paradox of this is not lost on me. It should be the most swoon-worthy time of your life. On paper, you should be filled with nothing but joy that you’ve found your person. You should be reminded of all the love in your life as your guest list fills up with family and friends. But it’s more complex than that.

It’s easy to become stressed about money or family dynamics. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with your long wedding to-do list. Especially while also juggling work, exercise, a social life, and the upcoming holiday season.

Dr. Laurie Santos, Yale professor of The Science of Well-Being, stresses in her course the benefits of expressing gratitude. It seems so simple. But such a subtle act can yield powerful results. Taking time every day to make a quick list of things you’re thankful for can help re-frame the mind over time to focus on all the positivity and love we experience daily.

This phenomenon has been on my mind a lot lately, especially as Thanksgiving approaches. And often, my mind settles on this beautiful city we live in. So I thought I’d take a moment and list out a few things I’m thankful for about Chattanooga.

  1. Chattanooga is drop-dead gorgeous 

Especially this time of year! Electric yellow trees, clear blue skies, deep colorful ridges form along the mountains. Even on my darkest days, I can always return to nature to feel comfort and inspiration. Chattanooga has so much opportunity for this. After living here for over a decade, I’m still finding new scenic spots for my brides to take their engagement photos in. On those days, I linger at the overlooks even after my job is done and take in the beauty all around me. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how lucky we are to live in a place of such magnanimous beauty. 

  1. The Community 

Another aspect of a fulfilling and happy life that Dr. Santos talks about in her course is creating connections and building community.

When thinking about the different “scenes” you can be part of in town, it’s easy to think about the outdoor scene and then move on. Don’t get me wrong, this community is extremely vibrant! The rock climbing community is welcoming and supportive. The gang of trail runners through the Wild Trails circuit is equally as wonderful. Whatever your hobby or interest, it’s easy to find your people here. There’s a music scene. There’s a craft brew scene. There's a rich community in the many churches in town.

One community I have been surprised and excited to find my place in is the wedding vendor community. Everyone in this industry is so supportive of eachother! We see each other at events every week and really get to know one another. Similar to the other niches within the city, the uplifting support is palpable. Everyone would agree.

  1. Southern Hospitality 

It really is cultural! It’s not like this everywhere. And while The South can get a bit of a repudiation for being behind the times in other parts of the world… I’m endlessly proud and grateful for this aspect of our culture. Southern hospitality just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

  1. Chattanooga’s Low Cost Of Living

This is no small thing! While Chattanooga is not immune to the national housing inflation phenomenon… it’s still well below the national average. Low cost of living means that our quality of life is extremely high. We can pay our bills and still treat ourselves to great food, and a vacation every once in a while. Huzzah! 

  1. It’s super fun to live in a tourist destination 

Chattanooga is… at its core… a tourist destination. When you think about this…. You can think about how it’s always hard to find parking over by the aquarium. You can think about how often we have road closures during convention center events and iron man races. But I prefer to think about how many fun things there are to do around town! Not every city is like this. There are so many places where pretty much the only options for entertainment are to go to the movies or go shopping. I love both of those things! But in Chattanooga, you can go hiking and kayaking in the same day. You can bike around to all the different breweries before hitting a late-night ghost tour. You can visit the Christmas lights at Rock City. Go to Oktoberfest at the Sunday market. There are always amazing options for things to do! There’s no reason to ever be bored here. 

While I’m on a roll… here are a few other things I’m grateful for today:

  • My AMAZING brides. Seriously, yall are the real MVPs. 

  • Everything I’ve learned from being a business owner 

  • Getting into a great workflow thanks to a Frothy Monkey latte 

  • Getting to spend time with my family during the holidays 

  • Personal growth 

  • Living on the Southside and walking to all my favorite spots 

  • Climbing with my sister-in-law at Highpoint 

  • Cabin getaways 

  • My Nashville roots 

  • Changing autumn colors 

  • The spicy chocolate pie from Bread and Butter 

  • Snowboarding season is almost here 

What are you thankful for? Let me know!

Not every day can be amazing. Sometimes it seems like we’re hit with a non-stop stream of misfortune. But there is something to be grateful for every day. Whether it’s a sunbeam shining through your window. Your favorite song comes on as you’re driving with the windows down. Or a cup of hot coffee on a crisp morning. Chattanooga gives me reasons every day to be thankful… as do my amazing clients.

Rachel Bourdon