Getting to Know Flowers by Tami

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Meet the Florist 

Tami McAllister revels in the beauty of nature through her floral designs.

A lover of fine literature, Tami’s journey into entrepreneurship reads a bit like a fairytale.

While in Montana for a skydiving festival, she fell in love with a dashing Englishman. After a few years of long-distance romance, she moved to Beverly in East Yorkshire to marry him. She spent years walking among the cobblestone streets and castle-like buildings of Beverly. Shortly after her arrival in the UK, she began an apprenticeship with a local florist. Her mentor was highly respected in the area. She taught at the local university and owned her own successful business. She was hard on Tami. Her teaching style was tough, and admittedly sometimes a little mean. But she was an amazing teacher with a wealth of knowledge. Through her tutelage, Tami gained a strong understanding of balance, scale, depth, texture, and color theory.

As charming as her life in England seemed, this was a tough time for Tami. Her teacher was smart but harsh. The gorgeous historic building she worked in was ice-cold. She’d escape to a local tanning salon on her lunch break and lay in the tanning bed, just to warm up. Her whirlwind romance was proving not to stand the test of time. Her time in England was coming to a close.

When she returned to the United States, she brought her floral skills with her. She accepted a job at a local flower shop and quickly rose through the ranks. Soon, she developed a reputation for stellar wedding work.

In 2013 she became a mother. Longing for a flexible schedule, Tami was incentivized to start her own business. She’s been a thriving business owner ever since.

Tami now owns 45 acres in Cleveland, Tennessee. She finds peace in her land through its many creeks, ponds, meadows, and woods. Her property is named ‘The Limberlost’, after a classic 1909 novel by Gene Stratton-Porter. Here, she tends her gardens. She draws from these gardens for her bouquets and installations.

She is working to build her property into an oasis. Cabins and campsites will soon be available for rent, as well as space for elopements and micro-weddings.

Tami is the winner of the American Institute of Floral Design scholarship for the AIFD International Symposium. She’s proud to be one of the most experienced designers in the area. 

Who should work with Flowers by Tami?

People who love flowers of course!

But in all seriousness, brides who value a florist who is a master in the principles of design. There are many “youtube university” florists emerging in our market these days. Tami developed her skills slowly over the years and has become a master in the craft. This experience really makes her portfolio stand out.

Eco-Conscious Chattanooga brides will love working with Tami.   Since she grows her inventory on her land, Tami’s contribution to your wedding will be a sustainable one.  Buying locally reduces shipping fuels and costs. It's is a great way to ensure that your wedding is green.

Tami's clients know they can trust her to create something unique for them. She'll work hard to make your floral dreams come too.

What Brides Can Expect

You can expect to not even see Tami on your wedding day. She’s that good. Her organizational skills enable her to get in, set up, and get out before you start using your space.

Tami loves large, creative installations and bright colors. But understands how to make a simple white and green theme elegant too.

How to Work with Flowers by Tami

Start out by filling out the contact form on her website.

This will give her the basic info she needs to know. She can easily tell you from here if she’s available for your event.

If dates line up, she’ll respond with some basic info about pricing. This email will also include a link for a consultation. This consultation can be done at her studio, over Zoom, or over the phone.

Tami accepts bookings anywhere from 20 months to one month out from your date. It all depends on the size of the order, and how busy her calendar is, of course!

If Tami is the designer your heart is set on, reach out soon. Her 2020 calendar is almost full.

Need Help? 

For questions, a personal introduction, or more vendor info, feel free to reach out to me anytime!